We will use the square of 9 and hexagon calculators to determine price support and resistance. A market or stock will use ONE of these calculators (NOT BOTH) to determine support and resistance.

The first step therefore, is to determine whether the market that is being studied is a Square market (using the square of 9) or a Trine market (using the Hexagon chart).

The way to do this is to test both calculators on your price data and see which one vibrates better.


Above is a daily graph of the SP500 index. We determined that the SP500 index, is a Square market so we using the Square of 9 calculator.

Placing the Gann Square grid on the November 2018 high we can see how the market found support at the 180 and 360 degrees.

The square of 9 degrees are: 45, 90, 120, 180, 240, 270, 315, and 360.


Above is a daily graph of the FTSE 100 index. We determined that the FTSE index vibrates on the Hexagon grid.

We place the Hexagon grid on the March 2020 low and the calculator gives us the resistance levels on the way up.

Look how the FTSE index finds support/resistance on the 240 and 360 degrees.

The Hexagon calculator uses the following degrees: 60, 90, 120, 180, 240, 270, 300, 360.

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